Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Miz wants stuff to do

Seeing as Miz requested that I come up with some stuff for him to do around the site on his vacation, I'm currently working on a list of crap for him to do. Being the nice boss I am, I'm asking you guys what you'd like to see our Australian do! Comment below with your suggestions!

1 comment:

  1. My current thoughts related to Pokemon Yellow are: do the Seafoam Islands (as he promised like two weeks ago) as well as catch the other legendary birds. I'm also thinking of getting the staff together for a few random LoL matches, our skype conversations during games can be pretty insane. Sorry Zak and Shoguo - your voices would actually have to be on the interwebs. Since Out of Context with Miz kind of sucked, we need to come up with some sort of new show staring the RetroDaily Australian, just can't figure out what.
